Technology as a Social Design (EN)
This is a summary of the Dutch book ‘Techniek als menselijk ontwerp; nieuwe opleidings- en loopbaanroutes voor jongeren’ (Technology as a Social Design; New Study and Career Paths for Young People). This publication is the result of a study into the future by STT/Beweton.
For this study the expertise and visions of many experts from the industry sector, knowledge institutes, government, education and organisations for technical activities have been gathered and integrated.
The book is meant for policy makers and key figures in education, business, youth organisations, organisations that carry out scientific and technical communication, knowledge institutes and for everyone else who is interested in involving young people into technology and/or educating young people for a creative economy.
The central question of the study is:
Which encounters with technology promote an involved and active relationship with nature and technology and lead to sufficient interest, knowledge and skills among children and young people in view of the realisation of societal and economic objectives?
In this study a new perspective has gradually been developed to promote a positive relationship between young people and technology. By the end of 2003 the Delta Plan Science and Technology (Delta Plan bèta/techniek) was adopted by the Ministry of Education, Culture and Science, the Ministry of Economic Affairs and the Ministry of Social Affairs and Employment with the objective of increasing the number of students choosing an education in science and a career in technology. In this study we argue that the innova-tion objectives will have to be taken one step further because there is also a qualitative gap between education and the labour market which needs to be closed. There is a growing need for creative, synergistic professionals who combine their understanding of technology with other fields of knowledge and capacities. Education, however, offers few creative design programmes. Furthermore, humanities and social science students are insufficiently involved in technology due to the distinct division between technology and social issues. Below we will explain the need for a change strategy for both education and the various types of careers that will promote creativity and technical expertise among young people.