Future proofing European food systems

Over 40 experts came together in a workshop on the future of food systems, organised by DG RTD of the European Commission.

Date May 12th 2016

STT-associated researcher Patrick van der Duin was invited to host the workshop and STT-project leader Ellen Willemse gave an interactive lecture on new technologies and possible futures, based on the STT-publication The future of technology in agriculture (a recently published English version of the Dutch publication Van autonome robots tot zilte aardappelen).

Interactive sesssions

The workshop is part of a set of interactive sessions, organised by the EC in preparation of the Food 2030 vision that will be presented later this year. Experts from different nationalities and backgrounds (i.e. primary production, science, industry and more) are invited for these activities in order for the EC to get input for their vision.

Second workshop in June

In June this year, STT will be involved in a second workshop, in which the focus will specifically be on personalised food. In that workshop, Willemse will be presenting ideas from the 2013 publication Aspirine op je brood (not available in English, but translations of some future visions from the book will be published shortly).

More details on the results of the workshop can be found in the Newsletter Future Food Systems 2030.