Horizon Scan Report 2007

Taking a long term perspective, the scan provides a view of the problems and opportunity-filled developments that lie on the horizon. Within this context, short term strategic policy and knowledge questions are posed that promise to contribute to sustainable policy and a knowledge agenda that is directed toward the long term. The report does not offer solutions but is meant to stimulate future-oriented thinking.

Date June 1st 2007
Author Bernard Verlaan

The Horizon Scan is a project of the COS. The COS, established under article 12 of the 1987 Sector Councils Framework Act, is the collaboration platform of the sector councils and the Netherlands Study Center for Technology Trends (STT). COS members are knowledge network organizations that develop societal directed foresights upon which strategic knowledge questions are formulated that contribute to the programming of research and policy. Sector councils are made up of representatives of government, society, the business community and science. They bring government, knowledge producers and society closer together.

The approach transcends domains and disciplines. The Horizon Scan is a snapshot and this report offers insight into the steps leading up to the scanning process, the analysis of data and establishment of a strategic knowledge agenda. With this report we want to introduce a new method that, we believe, will help  improve the development of the right knowledge questions for future-directed policy making.

Editorial Board:

  • Roel In ‘t Veld
  • Henriette Maassen van den Brink
  • Pierre Morin
  • Victor van Rij
  • Hans van der Veen
  • Bernard Verlaan