About STT

The Netherlands Study Centre for Technology Trends (STT) is an independent Expertise Centre, established in 1968 by KIVI, the Royal Dutch Engineering Society. For over 50 years, STT has been exploring the future on the leading edge of technology and society.

Exploring the future

The horizon of our futures studies is always 10 years and beyond. By developing inspiring views on the future, STT aims to contribute to defining solutions for societal challenges. Such as the digital transformation, self-reliance or the Sustainable Development Goals. 

The foresight studies are always interdisciplinary, crossing boundaries in search of technological advancements and their potential impact on both society and industry. 

Our methods

STT's futures studies involve a combination of high quality desk research and actively involving stakeholders, experts and creative minds in developing new views on the future. This interactive method stimulates governments, companies, scientists and citizens to look beyond the boundaries of their sector or domain. They broaden their horizons and work towards more future-oriented thinking and action.

Impact of our futures studies

The outcome of this participative approach is that our foresight studies have a major impact, both during and after completion. The studies inspire and often lead to new initiatives, such as new research, cooperation or curriculum development.

Organizational structure

The board of STT consists of an Executive Committee and a General Board. Our General Board members are over sixty top representatives of government, industry, science and society. They contribute to the STT programming and act as an important Think Tank, in which they discuss future technological developments, innovation and strategic policy. 

Members of the General Board often participate in advisory committees of the foresight studies. Furthermore, members can delegate a “high potential” to join Young STT. In addition, they are welcome to invite colleagues to participate in brainstorm sessions, workshops and in-depth sessions. 

Centre of Expertise

STT not only conducts futures studies, but also facilitates professional interaction and knowledge development. 

Annually, STT provides a stipend to one or more professors and finances scientific research.

In the annual Technology Monitor, STT studies breakthrough technologies: their future course, influencing factors and how organizations can take action to develop these technologies.

STT facilitates several future-oriented networks. NTV is an open platform for professionals, in which insightful knowledge about the methods and results of foresight studies is exchanged. In Young STT we strongly connect a community of young high potentials. They participate in studies, take part in advisory committees and organize sub-activities. And in ExSTTer, we stay in close contact with former colleagues, who often have strategic positions in the private or (semi-)public sector.